Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Man in the Mirror...

Carlos Tevez, the man behind the most string attached loan move in footballing history.
Having recently finished a 2 season loan at Manchester United, the hard working striker is pondering where his future lies. With Man U's newly replenished transfer kitty, a lot of the fans would love to see him stay at the club. According to this morning's papers however, he has been linked with Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Barcelona and Inter Milan. Whichever club does fork out the necessary £25 million, will have bought him outright from Kia Joorabchian (the smug git with greasy hair). But I wonder how he'd fit into the above interested teams...
Manchester City - I think Tevez would be an awesome acquisition for Manchester City. He'd help bring along some of the younger talent at the club and with Robinho, would spearhead a very attractive frontline. At a reported £140k a week deal, the money will never too bad either.
Liverpool - This would be my favourite destination for the little man. With either Alonso or Mascherano destined for Spain this summer, I see Liverpool playing a 4-4-2 come 4-3-3 next season. This ideally being Gerrard and a would be Tevez sitting behind Torres with a supporting 3 man midfield. With the workrate of both supporting strikers this is easily a 4-5-1 when necessary also. Another great idea for Benitez to mess up.
Chelsea - Don't see making this move personally. With the likes of Anelka, Drogba and Malouda/J.Cole, I think he'll end up in the same situation he was at United.
Barcelona - Just don't do it. He'll never break that front 3 or the middle 3 for that matter. And with the array of talent coming through, he'll leave before he's finished unpacking.
Inter Milan - Potentially a good move for him, a slightly slower league for a very technically gifted player. Would be a good replacement for 'taking a mid-career break' Adriano and he could compliment Ibrahimovic very well. Although whether he'll be at the San Siro next season remains to be seen.
Tevez, quality player, class man. He says he'd like to stay in the Premier League, and I for one, believe he'll do just that. Coming to  an Anfield or Old Trafford near you soon...


rams91 said...

As much as i would like to see tevez at OT next season, forking out an extra £25-30mill when we have already spent £10mill on him is not worth it imo. I think it's time to bring in some new faces, I would like to See Valencia duo David Silva & David Villa at OT, but thats just me - i do rate tevez highly but berba will always be on that first team sheet along with rooney who i am hoping will make a big impact for us this season !

Unknown said...

Apart from the champs league final, Tevez proves him self everytime..and not just as a super sub. I think he'd be good to keep at OT, and could compliment those new faces mentioned above.

Author said...

I think that a lot of people forget that Tevez is still only 25 years old. I think Carlos has a huge workrate compared to the other two and has consistently performed at OT for 2 years. Berbatov?? Are you kidding me? Totally disagree, Rooney, Tevez + 1 (Ribery or Benzema). Berbatov was lazy as last season, and his although he started to improve towards the end, I think that was £30million wasted...WASTED!

rams91 said...

im sorry but i recall a certain shevchenko costing roughly the same price but bagging only 4 goals in 30 appearences? and he was possibly one of the best strikers around!

Berba scored 9 in 30 and finished with the most assists in the league - i think £30mill was a lot at first but he'll b better next season.

Anonymous said...

Nice one samir, I think that tevez should go to liverpool, because he will get the opportunity and also liverpool would be able to break into the 1st league position, and they are despearte for another world class striker. Also I think rooney and berba would end up flourishing, NO PRESSURE WITH RONNY AND TEVEZ GONE!!

Come on spurs, Temi

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