Tuesday 9 June 2009

So Kaka finally left...

Kaka exited stage left this morning for the all whites of Madrid...
Firstly let me say. that when I said yesterday that he can't be mentioned in the same breath as Zidane, I wasn't implying that he isn't a great player. I feel in time he will be, just not yet. ZZ did it from day one to the last day of his career, albeit that sending off at the World Cup. I've seen many great players not live upto their price tags and at £59m + bonuses, he's going to have to play hard and sell a large number of shirts. I think he'll do both and I wish him all the best at the Bernabeu.
Pato is now rumoured to be leaving the Rossineri to link up with Carlo at the Bridge. His 'father figure and role model' will no doubt have an influencing factor on him joining if Milan choose to sell. It does leave to the imagination how hard hit Milan have been by the financial downturn, selling 2 of their higher valued assets in what could be the space of a week! I wonder what this could now mean for either Anelka or Drogba if the brazilian makes his way to the Blues. There surely isn't room for 3 expectant starters, is there?
ETO'O will NOT leave Barcelona for the Eastlands! So will Man City please stop exciting their fans with players who clearly will not come. Eto'o just seems a bit too happy there to change dwellings. This is starting to remind of era, when a team called Newcastle were linked with everyone under the sun and the fans got all excited for nothing...and we all know where that story goes...
Have a nice day y'all...

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