Tuesday 9 June 2009

Michael still g-Owen nowhere.....

Argentina's wasn't the only defence torn apart(World Cup '98) by a young Michael Owen. The then Liverpool man was feared by every opposition defence, with his blinding pace and exquisite finishing. Fast forward 2 clubs and about 10 years.....
He has played 70 games in 4 seasons now at Newcastle. At a reported £120k a week, he sincerely hasn't proven his worth. The majority of the reason has been his inability to stay fit. His hamstring, knees, groin and metatarsal have been operated on so many times, I wonder if he is planning a acting career to become the new '6 Million Dollar Man'. On second thoughts, I dont think anyone would even pay that for him. He has no pace left, and although the service was lacking, so was his ability to take the chances that were presented to him.
I personally feel that his agent will have hard work trying to shift him to another club, as I think although clubs will have to spend money, there are better players available. Ones with better assurances of playing and staying fit. I really wish this wasn't the outcome for him at the toon, afterall I was optimistic about the black and white future that Newcastle had. But I find it highly unlikely that they will renew his contract this summer, which a huge trimming of the wage bill required. Two Birds, One Stone springs to mind. 
As to whether anyone will step in for his services remains to be seen. I imagine, a club like Portsmouth may be a good destination for him. New owner, big name needed but they can't be overly fussy over who they bring in. He'd be a worthwhile punt, this considered with my impression that none of the top 7 or 8 clubs will want to be drawn into tabloid speculation with him. 
Verdict: Will leave Newcastle at some point this summer, but only for a bottom half Premiership club, as he doesn't have anything to offer a top half team.

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